
Thursday, 25 September 2014

Change is Good - Our Class Movie

Today we made this iMovie to share some of our learning from our Inquiry 'Change is Good'. The children have drawn pictures to illustrate their ideas and we have also included photos from our visit to Ferrymead. It was fun to see ourselves on the 'big screen'!

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Our Trip to Ferrymead

What a wonderful day we had at Ferrymead Heritage Park. We began by getting dressed up in old fashioned school clothes and quickly followed that with a ride on the tram. Next we had a go at Heritage games and finished our day experiencing what it was like at school 100 years ago - complete with a grumpy school teacher! Here are a few photos of our day...

Monday, 1 September 2014

High Frequency Words - Red Level

Here are the next set of High Frequency words for your reference. I am endeavoring to make laminated cards, but as this is quite time consuming, you may wish to make your own set using the template below. If you would like a printed copy, please let me know.

thank you

We love cricket!

Today we had two coaches from Canterbury Cricket take us for a batting, fielding and catching session. We had great fun whacking the balls for six and diving to make boundary saving catches in the field.
At the conclusion of the session, the children were very lucky to be given a bag filled with goodies to take home. Included in the bag was a registration form for Junior Summer Cricket if your family is interested.

Week 6 Class Newsletter

Term 3: Week 6                                   29.8.14

Dear Parents and Caregivers
We welcomed Agustin to our class this week, and had a busy week hosting a group of children from Sunbeam Kindy as well as many children on their pre-entry visits. Our class is nearly full now, with Archer and Harrison completing the team when they join us in Week 8, bringing our total to 17 children. Room 10 opens this coming week.

The children are making great progress in the mastery of their High Frequency Sight Words. Please let me know when you think your child can instantly identify each word in the set, at which point I will test them and send home cards for the next level. Remember spelling the words is an excellent extension activity as well.

For our Inquiry this week we continued exploring games children played at school in the past. We had lots of fun playing knucklebones, marbles, tiddly-winks and hopscotch. Check out the photos on our Room 3 blog.

Our Art focus today was the creation of a Kowhaiwhai panel, incorporating a koru design. We look forward to displaying our completed designs in the classroom.

Thank you so much for taking time to attend the School Entry Assessment meetings. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to spend time talking with children and their families. I will advise the families of the remaining children when their assessments have been completed and we will make a time to meet. This will most likely be during Weeks 8-10, depending on your child’s entry to school date.

Enjoy your weekend – Spring is definitely on the way!

Kind regards

Cara Wallace

          Next week’s sounds/letters:       g   and   o