
Saturday, 2 August 2014

Week 2 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Caregivers
We have had another fantastic week of fun and learning in Room 3. We welcomed Trey on Monday and look forward to Joey joining us this coming Monday.

The children have brought a great deal of enthusiasm to their reading and writing this week. I love their excitement when they recognise a sound or a word we have learnt. We continue to focus on one to one matching  in their guided reading. You can help develop this skill at home by encouraging your child to deliberately point to each word as they read i.e. ‘make it match’. In writing, we are focusing on hearing some sounds in words they are trying to write i.e. ‘sounding out’. The ability to do this is directly linked to their letter/sound knowledge, hence the value of the practice they do with you at home in their Aphabet books.

In maths, we have continued working on identifying the symbols and words for the numbers in the range 1-10 (and beyond) and counting forwards and backwards. We have also been practising forming the numerals 0-9 correctly.

Our trip to the Museum to explore the ‘Christchurch Street’ as part of our Inquiry was very succesful in stimulating the children’s thinking. Thank you Sarah, Abby and Alika for your invaluable help.  Our next step is to explore what school was like in New Zealand in the early 1900s, through photos. We will attempt to identify what is different and what is the same between schools of that time and schools today.

Room 3 are scheduled for Gymnastics sessions this coming Monday and Tuesday. Louise and Alika have kindly offered to assist us during these sessions.

It was lovely to see several of you at the Y0/1 Assembly yesterday. I have posted several photos of this week’s events, including Assembly, on the Room 3 blog. When possible, I will make my laptop available in the mornings for you to view the blog.

I am scheduled for a teacher release this coming Wednesday 6 August. Mrs Lillian Dowd will be teaching in Room 3 on that day. I will be withdrawing children throughout the day in order to complete School Entry Assessments, so will be available before and after school should you need to catch up with me.

Thank you for another fantastic week. Have a lovely weekend.

Next week’s sounds/letters:       p  and   n

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