
Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Welcome to Term 4!

Dear Families and Whanau
Welcome to Term 4! I hope you’re all ready for a fast-paced, fun-filled ten weeks as we count down to Christmas.

You will notice the classroom has undergone a few changes over the holidays. Based on modern approaches to teaching and learning and classroom environments, I have attempted to create a classroom with a variety of different workspaces. With teacher guidance, children are able to choose where to work based on the type of activity, their personal preferences and individual learning styles. I welcome your feedback and any innovative ideas you may be able to contribute to our space.

Our Integrated Topic this term focuses on Sun and Water Safety. A Beach Education trip, with the Junior Team, will be a highlight later this term. Parent help will be vital on this day.

The Junior School Athletics Day also takes place this term. Leading up to this event, the children will take part in twice weekly P.E. sessions where they will be taught the fundamental skills involved in long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, hurdles and sprints. On the day, you are invited to come along and support the children and join us for a picnic lunch.

At the end of the term we will be taking the children to view the wonderful displays at the Christmas Grotto followed by carol singing at the ‘Cardboard Cathedral’. As soon as we have confirmed dates and times for all our key events this term we will let you know, particularly those where parent help is required.

Our Written Language focus this term looks at writing Instructions. Our focus on phonics and alphabet continues as we move into vowel combinations and consonant blends. Please continue to practice and revise these at home. The children’s alphabet knowledge greatly assists their reading and writing development.

I would like to invite parents and caregivers to assist during writing time this term (Monday to Thursday, 9.30 – 10.10am). This could be on a casual or regular basis, as suits you. I will be putting a roster on the wall by our class noticeboard, so please feel free to add your name if you are able to help out.

The children have all made great progress in their reading. I will continue to push them forward, ensuring each child is reading at an appropriate level of challenge. Thank you for your continued support of reading at home. Remember to let me know when you feel your child has mastered their current set of High Frequency Sight Words and I will give you the next set.

On Mondays, our Oral Language focus will be on Weekend News. Should your child wish to bring something to school to share, please restrict it to this day only. Additionally, please do not bring any precious items to school as we would hate for them to be damaged or go missing.

Discovery will be held on a Wednesday afternoon this term. The Year 0/1 Assembly will continue to be held on a Thursday afternoon at 2.25pm. Room 3 will be leading Assembly for the first time this week – we would love to see you there.

As Term 4 is a summer term, the children are required to wear a navy blue sun hat at interval and lunchtime, and at any other time they are outside. This can be a wide brim hat, a bucket style hat or a peaked cap with the school logo. The caps are available for purchase from school. Please make sure hats are clearly named and at school every day.

As the weather warms up we will be begin swimming in our school pool. Please ensure all your child’s clothing (including socks and underwear) is clearly named. It would be great if you could begin practicing the ‘changing’ routine with your child at home, teaching them how to best manage their clothing and belongings before and after swimming.

If you are yet to meet with me to share your child’s School Entry Assessment results and set Learning Goals, please see me to make a time to meet.

Term 3 was an amazing first term for the children of Room 3 as they began school, made new friends and learnt about how school works. Term 4 is guaranteed to see them build on their successes and enjoy a wide array of fun and challenging activities both inside and outside the classroom environment. I greatly look forward to sharing these with the children and their families.

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