Room 3 Class
3: Week 1 25.7.14
Dear Parents and Caregivers
What a fantastic first week Room 3 have had. They are such a lovely
group of children and I feel very lucky to be their teacher. We have enjoyed
many ‘firsts’ together this week and I hope you have had a chance to enjoy the
photos on our class blog. This can now be accessed from the St Albans School
Homepage, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Room 3
Thank you for the support you have given your children with their
guided reading and alphabet books this week. The extra practise at home really
does help to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of new concepts and
this has been evident in their wonderful first attempts at writing.
In maths, we have been working on identifying the symbols and words for
the numbers in the range 1-10 (and beyond) and counting forwards and backwards.
It would be great if you could support this learning at home with simple
activities such as: identifying numbers around the home, at the supermarket, on
signs etc; counting the number of blue cars you see when driving, how many
steps it takes to get from the kitchen to the bathroom, counting backwards with
the microwave when something is being heated – the opportunities are endless!
Maths can be a lot of fun and great learning opportunities exist in many simple,
everyday activities.
This coming Monday we will be travelling to the Museum to explore the ‘Christchurch
Street’ as part of our Inquiry Topic. Thank you for your kind offers of parent
help. Sarah Fergusson and Alika Ackroyd will be accompanying our class for this
trip. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you.
Class photos will be taken this coming Wednesday 30 July. Room 3 are
scheduled to be first for their photo which will ensure we look our absolute
best – teacher included! As per the instructions in the School Newsletter, if
possible children are asked to be wearing the school sweatshirt for the photo,
not the polar fleece please.
The Year 0/1 Assembly will be held this Thursday at 2.25pm in the
School Hall. I will advise you should there be any changes to this.
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thank you
for your part in making this such a great first week.
Kind regards
Cara Wallace
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